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March 25, 2024

Curtis Judd - YouTube

Nombreux tutos sur la compression et normalisation du son


Carte du réseau ferré français, avec position des trains en temps réel.
Cliquer sur un train affiche la ligne et les arrêts.
Divers filtres dans le dock du bas, ou en haut à droite.

Curtis Judd Audio - YouTube

Nombreux tutos de traitement du son et analyses d'équipement audiovisuel.

Sound for Video Session: Loudness Normalization in Izotope RX5 - YouTube

How to loudness normalize your sound with Izotope RX 5.

Making your dialogue sound loud and present is a bit of a mystery for many independent filmmakers. It is surprising how many of the channels with large audiences have poor quality audio which is either very quiet so that viewers have to crank up the volume, or where the filmmaker cranked up the amplitude or gain of the audio in post to the point where there is plenty of distortion and clipping.

Learn more http://school.learnlightandsound.com